Development Communications International

On Behalf of Peter Brunette II
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 2:34 PM

Hello All,

We are all neighbors here. We are not just Americans or Chinese or Russian or Cuban or African we all are humans who share this planet, the sun, the air around us, the seas next to us and are a part of a global humanity. All of our collective actions here help determine and shape the direction that our global humanity goes in. Our collective people's history has been fighting for too long. We have fought wars for land, beliefs, oppression, extermination, nationalities and we as a humanity have even fought wars for economic reasons.

For some reason some of our neighbors stole some planes and used them as weapons. This sophisticated attack was clearly an embodiment of hate, desperation, fear, climaxing in a situation that many of us will never forget even if we tried. The hate and rage displayed a year ago certainly created hate and rage in this country towards neighbors of our humanity.

The disease that was unleashed a year ago today may be worse than small pox. The social carnage of those attacks have effected us all in so many ways. It is of my opinion that humans should never execute other humans which is exactly what happened a year ago. It was obviously an act that no one here will ever rightly judge. Also almost no one here knows exactly who did it except for those involved in some way. We have been taught by CNN to be weary of Middle Easterners, we have been taught by our President to soothe our souls after a horrible disaster to go out and shop. We as a countryneed to go a new way.

Soon our country will be attacking another country called Iraq. We willnever have any idea if Sadaam is seeking ingredients for a nuclear bomb to attack this country unless he decides to widely open all his doors to UnitedNations inspectors. Hopefully this will happen. Our President and Vice President have pushed this issue over the last few weeks very intensively.They are completely aware that no one can say no to this because who wants to be that person if something actually happens. Chances are if we attackIraq then there will be innocent civilians lost who are our neighbors who had no idea about Sadaams plans. Those innocent civilians and therefamilies will not be praising the United States for attacking there country.People in that region will further detest our nation and all it stands for.

Our collective reputation America is on the line more than ever. Let's all push our President by default to a diplomatic solution. Please Sadaam open your doors to the UN please! Bush seek diplomatic solutions instead of violent ones. If history has taught us anything it is that violence begets violence. If a nuclear bomb were to explode in the United Stated today or tomorrow our country would certainly be attacking Iraq instantaneously without even knowing who the attack was from. Please Mr. Hussein open your doors and let us all breathe a little easier very few people really want another war.

When those 2 towers fell last year so did a part of my heart. I was further saddened watching some of my neighbors in this country start hating Afghani and Pakistani people overnight after seeing a few video clips. These clips showed a sliver of information that caused us all to go into a frenzy. The media in this country did not spend anytime explaining why other people in this world have a serious hate for this country. The media did everything they could for the next few months to keep us all on the edge of our seats.

Where are we a year later? Fighting another war in the Middle East. Fighting another war against something impossible to fight against and that is hate and philosophies. No matter how many bombs are dropped on Afghanistan, no matter how many cluster bombs are dropped on caves in Northern Afghanistan, no matter how many Axises of Evil are put down, people will still hate America if we as citizens let our government and corporate entities run away with the world and all the resources.

Water, sun, air, peoples time, families, friends, animals and plant matterare what really matter. The Monday night football opener this year was a big deal to some people this year. Who really was watching football theMonday after September 11th. Some family who is dying of AIDS in South Africa because of American Patent laws do not care about Monday night football. The 5000 people that will die today and every single day because lack of water because our world at our countries(corporations) direction has made water into a commodity and not a right.

So Americans instead of hating others please lets spend time educatingourselves and each other about what our government and corporations are doing throughout our world. Lets remember that these corporate entities who

do so much business in other countries these days help mold other whole countries opinions about us. Lets remember that our military strength is completely superior to almost every other country but they too are representatives of this country who help mold international opinion of us all. Lets not forget our military was almost completely superior last year as well. Lets create a new global reputation that is citizen based not corporate or military based.

We as a country need to go a new way. Our country has evolved together so many times: American Revolution, Gold Rush, Civil War, Transcontinental Railroad, Depression, Industrial Revolution, Automobile Age, Television, Internet Age. Our nations economy was in serious pain a year ago and it is not any better. Many people in this country struggle to make a living wage who were not fortunate enough to get a college education to get a management job within one of America's many corporations. Many children are stuck in schools that are training them and not actually teaching them to think and to interact with the outside world. Our prisons are full. Our corporations have merged laying off many. Our corporations have lied, cheated and utilized our democracy to elect government officials who are sympathetic tocorporate needs and welfare.

Instead our elected officials and President have decided to assist these corporate entities in doing business throughout our hemisphere withoutproper labor, environmental, and business laws. In passing the House Promotional Authority our President, House, and Senate said to these untrustworthy corporate entities in 2 short years you will be able to do business all over Central and South America. They did this to increase stock prices in 2 years. No one else will benefit globally except for the shareholders of these earth destroying corporations who wear a friendly American face who create hate and disdain for America and Americans by operating without regard for the environment or proper labor conditions.

America lets write a new page. Lets use recycled paper on this new page on every page. Lets not have to run to the store for another 10 pack of Bic pens made of plastic. America lets create a sustainable country. A country where our consumption is synchronized with resources available. Lets find our how to take care of our needs without ruining the air we breathe and food we eat. Lets create a world where a countries currency value is tied to sustainability. A country where we support other countries and peoples efforts fairly not freely. Lets evolutionize our cars, busses and planes. Lets move into the hydrogen age. We all have so many dreams and aspirations. Lets forget the divisions and forget the credit and forget our elected officials. Lets reach out to our neighbors overseas and create people to people trading networks. Lets sustain each others beings while sustaining the planet for our childrens children. I know we have all been trying. My life path will work towards people to people trading networks, alternative economies, sustainability, learning and teaching while enjoying time with my global neighbors. Hope this is possible in my country. I apologize for disappointing people at times.

Your friend, In Peace,


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